1-800-2-STRIPE or 1-800-278-7473

26 ounce Aerosol Field Marking Paint - FAT CANS

large fat can aerosol field paint
DURA STRIPE FAT CANS contain 26 ounces of paint per can. More paint than the standard 18 ounce cans. 44 % more paint. Get more lineal feet per can. Save money.
aerosol fat large cans marking spray machine
USSC's 26 ounce by weight FAT CANS fits in all our SHARP STRIPE
aerosol paint striping machines. No need to buy new machines or to modify old ones.
large aerosol field paint can in spray machine.
Easily Install aerosol spray cans in the machine. Both regular cans or FAT CANS will fit in the can holder and work in all of our aerosol can spray machines.
bright white line field paint aerosol can
( 26 ounces by weight )
being sprayed with USSC's - SSAT
( Sharp Stripe All Terrain )
aerosol paint can spray machine.

Heavy Duty Pneumatic Wheel field line marking machine
SS2CAT is available with pneumatic wheels or special hard foam tires with wheel bearing axels for easier roll on bumpy athletic fields.
spraying both sides of natural grass spray machine
Spray two FAT CANS simultaneously using the SS2CAT spray machine to cover both sides of the blades of grass in one pass.
large fat cans aerosol field marking paint
Convenient for end users to use either the
DURA STRIPE FAT CANS 26 ounce cans or
regular 18 ounce
in the same machine.
best field marking paints machine
Whatever the size of USSC aerosol field paint
or the type of USSC striping machine you get the BEST LINES WITH USSC athletic field paints and spray machines.
Have more questions or
need more technical information, pricing, consultation or
to place an order, PLEASE call us toll free at