1-800-2-STRIPE or 1-800-278-7473

Plastic or aluminum hash mark stencils for football fields

Easy to assemble and use Hash Mark Stencil
Paint your Football Field Hash Marks perfectly every time. Easy to assemble, easy to use. Made from solid, sturdy durable plastic.
Plastic Hash Mark Stencil
Football Field Hash Mark Stencil made from 1/8 inch solid plastic. Light weight yet durable and sturdy. Easy to clean and store for years of service.
Aluminum Hash Mark Stencil for Football Fields
Aluminum Football Hash Mark Stencils manufactured by USSC are tough, sturdy, durable yet easy to move on the football field.
Easy to Move, Sturdy, BEST PRICES !
Use our Aluminum Hash Mark Stencils to paint perfect hasmark on football field and give it the immaculate professional look.
paint hash mark lines
Mark your Football Hash Lines using our top quality aerosol or 5 gallon bulk athletic field marking paints.
aluminum hash mark stencils
We have several models of hash mark stencils to choose from. Our pricing is very reasonable because we manufacture them in house. Please call us with your requirements.
Have more questions or
need more technical information, pricing, consultation or
to place an order, PLEASE call us toll free at
1-800-278-7473 or 1-800-2-STRIPE
Please visit our new website www.usscproducts.com